

Laser Photonics’ new technology produces the highest quality cutting surface in the industry. This new technology eliminates the discoloration caused by conventional laser cutting methods while delivering the lowest Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) available. This new beam technology streamlines/slims cutting widths to the next thinnest level by producing intricate cuts up to .1mm and is perfect for all reflective metals 1” and below.

LP cut (Lowest HAZ)

Conventional cut (High HAZ)

Conventional cut (High HAZ) LP cut (Lowest HAZ)

Simple Beam Delivery

The TiTAN Series uses Fiber Optic Beam Delivery, which is a state of the art technology to ensure the most consistent beam path. Conventional methods are complicated using articulated arms and CNC beam length compensation which cause different cutting qualities in different areas of the work table and requires aligning of the optics. Laser Photonics’ Fiber Optic Beam Delivery contains no moving parts in the beam path which guarantees consistent cutting conditions over the entire work area.


Burn Elimination

CleanCut Technology uses state of the art technology which eliminates burns caused by the laser around corners during cutting. This confirms a perfect cut and the highest quality edges in the industry especially on highly reflective materials including aluminum, copper, bronze, and steel. This is due to Laser Synchronized Output (LSO), which is a new digital beam pulsing method.

LP Fiber Laser Cut Edge


Conventional CO2 Laser Cut Edge


TurboPiercing Technology comes standard on all TiTAN Series systems. This new technology guarantees the fastest and most consistent piercing speeds available. Unlike conventional methods, TurboPiercing technology completes an accurate hole eliminating any unnecessary craters in the material.

TurboPiercing Technology comes standard on all TiTAN Series systems. This new technology guarantees the fastest and most consistent piercing speeds available. Unlike conventional methods, TurboPiercing technology completes an accurate hole eliminating any unnecessary craters in the material.

LP TurboPiercing™

Conventional method


Plasma Shield Technology

Plasma Shield Technology allows for the most precise restriction of plasma generation while transitioning from straight-line cuts to corners. Conventional CO2 lasers cut a deformed edge while maneuvering corners resulting in inferior cutting quality and minimizing production acceptance. Plasma Shield™ Technology combats plasma generation by regulating the acceleration speed while maintaining superior quality and production throughput